My goodness did the weekend go quickly?!  I did get my fill of the whole taking care of business though.  Now back to regular work I suppose.

Doesn't it feel good to do a little bit of clean up and organize in your personal life?  Some Saturdays I feel like I spend hours just organizing the mess that my house has become during the week.  Then on Sunday I can take some time for myself, just a smidge though, they certainly don't want me to get spoiled!  

I picked up these tulips for  myself on Friday and finally used one of my favorite little vases. I am so excited for Spring this year and cannot wait for it to warm up and everything to start blooming again, these give me a little something to keep me going.  Usually January is the most difficult month for me to wait through in anticipation of the coming warmer days ahead.  How about you are you ready for Spring to arrive?

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